2nd Round Invites Sent Out
2nd Round invitations will be sent out in addition to instructions for Round 2 applications.
Women in VC & PE Dinner
Location will be shared via email
Venture Fellows invites all women interested in the organization and who submitted a first round application to attend a dinner where you’ll get the opportunity to network and learn about the current female Venture Fellows’ experience in the VC and PE industries.
1st Round Interviews
All students who submit a 1st Round application will be interviewed. Interview sign ups will be sent out the week of 9/16.
1st Round Application Happy Hour
Location will be shared via email
This happy hour is for all students who have submitted a 1st round application.
Office Hours - Meet the Fellows
Sign up here to meet with some of the current fellows in a casual setting throughout the week!
Please limit yourself to 2 slots max. Room location specified on the sign up sheet.
Round 1 Application Due
The Venture Fellows application will open September 6th. Submit your application here by 5pm on September 14th. The two components of the application are your resume and a cover letter. Before submitting, please replace your name and email in your resume/cover letter with “Bevo McCombs” to ensure anonymity.
Alumni Panel
Location: Rowling Hall, Room 3.414
Come hear from Venture Fellow alumni about their journeys post McCombs!
The panel will last about 1 hour and then there will be light refreshments and an opportunity to network with the current VF’s and alumni afterwards.
Networking Brown Bag Lunches
Location: Rowling Hall, RRH 4.304
Bring your lunch and meet some more of the Venture Fellows and your fellow 1st years during your lunch hour. We’ll be in room 4.304 from 11:30 - 12:30 pm each day Sept 9-12 to get to know you and answer any questions you have.
1st Round Application Opens
We’ll send out an email with information regarding the initial application and what to submit.
Venture Fellows Info Session
Location: Rowling Hall, RRH 5.402
Join us for an hour-long information session on the Venture Fellows organization where you’ll learn about the group, its members, and the application process for the next cohort of Venture Fellows. The Venture Fellows will stay after to network.
Open to anyone interested in Entrepreneurship, Venture Capital, and Private Equity.
Venture Fellows Community Coffee
Location: 2nd Floor Atrium
Meet the Venture Fellows and interested students in small group chats.
All Fellows/Fund Panel Discussion
Location: Rowling Hall, Crum Auditorium
Join us to learn more about the McCombs Fellowship programs, including Venture Fellows! This panel will include current Fellows from our organization and will give you an introduction to the Venture Fellows program.